Tuesday, May 22, 2007

"we better start panicking, and restore some 'sg-ness' back in her!"

Today I realised alot of things. Earlier today when i collected my phone at the Nokia shop, the man returning my phone back to me had long finger nails. Not all his fingers, just one. And it was really distracting and i didnt get what the hell he was explaining to me. There were stuff in his nails...it was gross.

Then as i walked around town, i saw this lady. She dressed well. But her shoeeeeees.
They were too big for her. It was high heels. But waaaaaaay to big for her. It looked like while she was walking it was gonna fly off or something. Not Good.
I wanted to shout "DANGER ZONE!" cause i that was playing in my head was a man walking, the high heel flying off, hitting him and he dies. hahaha tragic.

And i found it quite amusing how i was annoying this women at Topshop. She worked in the changing room and i kept getting the wrong sizes so i asked her to find it for me. I think i asked her like 5 times. And then made her find my shirt i accidentally dumped in with the stack of clothes i didn't want. Hahahaha. ohhhhhh, whatta day!

I'm wondering why these little black clouds keep walking around with me.
It wastes time and I'd rather be high.

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I'm the kind of girl that can't let anything go..so this is me, wishing you into the worst situations