Saturday, January 16, 2010

Almost 3 years of hardwork..but I never thought it would've come down to this. Kind of feels like how I put in 5 years of studying and got shit results. These disappointments. They drive you to the brink of fucking insanity. And now I'm just so burnt out..with no one to turn to at the end of the day. Because the frustration in letting the one you love leave is never knowing if they'll return. The waiting, the suspense, the what if's, and what could've been. But i guess it's just one fat Happy New Year. You work so hard just to get shit thrown in your face. You get fucked up heartless, selfish, inconsiderate adults screwing you over. I know what we did was for the right reasons, but it feels so wrong. And the only thought that i go over and over and over in my head is I Love You.

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I'm the kind of girl that can't let anything this is me, wishing you into the worst situations