Thursday, April 05, 2007

Goodevening! i thought of just posting before i go on the yearly visiting of churches stuff.
So i'll just explain the whole of yesterday's post. haha. I was talking to nes on the phone, and we saw shirley write to anthony"I love you planty!" which well, we know she meant planty as plenty. But i started laughing. All i started to see in my head was this huge garden....What?! I dont understand why i'm like that. I visualise words all the time. Which sometimes makes my imagination crazy. It's like a gift i can't control! ok. enough.

I just got back from intense sushi eating. like seriously. haha. I met nes, and we ate at sakae sushi for about an hour and a half, and tried this new sushi out. You should too! its call Ika. ( if you like eating rubber.). then we went to borders to look at joke books. hahaha.

Hey nes, how do you confuse blokes?
You can't, they're born that way. :P


How do you know if a bloke's waiting for sex?
If he's awake!

and many more...

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I'm the kind of girl that can't let anything this is me, wishing you into the worst situations