Sunday, April 01, 2007

written by; Tash& Nes. (Mostly by nes) actually all of it. haha

Hello, this is tasha. I am back after becomming green with Nes. Today i went to Basil's party and saw naked guys in the toilet - Faiz, the fat ass. And he threw cheese at me! I'm gonna get him back! Other then that, i didn't do much today except slack and hang out with Nes.

When i was going home, My uncle came to fetch me and Nique and he saw me with A super Handsome (x4), uber hot guy in green and after that he told my parents and now they know i have a super Handsome (x4) uber hot boyfriend. I think that i like girls more than guys sexually.....................NOTTTT! April fools!

I am going to go now and think about my super handsome (x4) uber hot boyfriend. Ok, bye babes. MUACKS!

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I'm the kind of girl that can't let anything this is me, wishing you into the worst situations