Monday, April 09, 2007

This is us yesterday! & i've got the bloody flu! I hate it, i really really hate it! The whole day i was walking around with a packet of tissue, and a peice of tissue up my nostrial. yeah, i know.. gross. But flu's tend to do that to you. Make you look unglam and messy the whole day. Nobody would want a kiss from me right now. hahaha

What i also find funny is that i was only suppose to meet nes on Sunday (happy easter!) throughout the whole of last week.
But no, i ended up meeting him on thursday, friday, saturday. He couldnt make it on Sunday. Well 3 days is better than 1.
Now, i'm just gonna blow my nose and play with hair dye. adios! (what language is that?)

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I'm the kind of girl that can't let anything this is me, wishing you into the worst situations