Sunday, April 15, 2007

hhhhi, i cant wait for monday.
it's just like ahiuethnkl3qj4naleituhnl3kjhnoaithjaln3kjhnaeiltkjhakenu5haeiptuhaenrkhaueth

Yesterday was interesting.. I watched teri sing in a competition and she got to the next round! i am so proud.. she's gonna be on national TV guys! haha. and then i got some Caracal, but it was an acoustic set. But they were still good nevertheless.Then i met anthony and shirleyyyyyyyyy. So me, nes, anthony and shirley headed to penin to get drinks and we just drank! It was a good night. Hahaha. i have alot of fun with nes. ok! i'll be off and away now.

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I'm the kind of girl that can't let anything this is me, wishing you into the worst situations