Sunday, April 20, 2008

Another long week, but just thankful that mid years don't really count becuz i'm going to flung the exam..only passing my english. On saturday i had this craving to watch Romeo and Juliet, and so i did making my poor boyfriend sit down to watch it with me..haha. But somewhere along the lines i got a weeee bit irritated. Why didn't Juliet just tell Romeo that she was going to drink that potion thingy, that would've saved both their lives.Thank god for mobile phones would've gone a long way in the movie hahaha

I got a bunch of new shirts over the weekend, and now my saving up for a pair of new vans! Woo! ok, gotta smoke enjoy!

im suchhhha bitch sometimes you know
but if you're gonna like me, like me
if not don't like me at all ok?ok.

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About Me

I'm the kind of girl that can't let anything this is me, wishing you into the worst situations