Tuesday, May 05, 2009

90 years, you have lived your life to the fullest. And finally you get to be with the people you love up there..
your house is filled with pictures of the family and i never realised how much you loved us until now
as you got older, you started calling me "lucrisha" but i will remember that name always because only you call me
thanks for the memories the stories you always told me when i went over (that i always enjoyed)
you always worried about all of us but now it is your time to rest.
thank you for all that you've done

and when they sell your house a small part of me will die because that is your house..the house that we all grew up in
i will miss everything that came along with you.

so here's to you, beautiful and strong. I will always look up to.
and even though i never said it out loud..I love you

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About Me

I'm the kind of girl that can't let anything go..so this is me, wishing you into the worst situations