Friday, November 11, 2011


lately ive been thinking about taking my own life, then maybe all this madness will end. but we never truly know whats on the other side. how can jesus or god or whoever that is up there tell us that "it's easy" or all we have to do is "pray". i've lost everything.. and no god or person can tell me that "it will be alright" how can i be so fucked up....and get so lost i dont even know where i am or who i am or what i stand for anymore. when i walk around with the heaviest of hearts. its like i am in a constant daze..if i ever do find the strength, its not because i never loved you. it's because i loved you too god damn much to even comprehend, i didnt know what to do with myself.


Unknown said...

I hope you are still around. I'm an atheist, I don't find any reason in life because of God. I find reason in life because of life.

There may be nothing beyond death and so this time you have is all you have to do what you need to do. I dont want to tell you that it will 'be alright' but I do want to tell you that the only way to find relief is to keep going, to slog on. Because the alternative isnt any alternative at all. Its nothingness.

this link is an earnest non sympathetic or soppy 'it will get better' website. Its a great place that helps me to think. Hopefully it will help you too!

Harry Donehoo said...

I hope you are Ok. I have been in a place that low and I climbed my way back up. It is not easy, but you can do it. ~peace~

In my mind said...

Maybe you should see some one. There are a lot of organizations out there that give free help to people need some hope. Go to an AA or NA meeting. If any group of people know what its like to go though tough times. They do. I can't say it will get better. I dont know you. But you gotta do something and suicide is tough to undo.

Anonymous said...

I been throw that situation as far as taking your own life goes, and that never the answer, like you said we don't know what on the other side, for me it was finding hope and liven for other and doing what i like everyday, the answer never come easy that why we meditate and think. Just know that thing get better you just have to keep going whether it positive or negative trying and doing is the key words; PS if you need support in the form of a friend email me am Jason Chamber
Hope things work out for you even if i don't get a reply back

About Me

I'm the kind of girl that can't let anything this is me, wishing you into the worst situations