Thursday, March 12, 2009

The week's holiday has started for me, and I only want to spend it with this one person.
So this tuesday is 2 years: if love is a drug I want to OD

You know i've been thinking, when I do die, i want to be cremated and my urn will be nicely decorated by Nes and placed inside my home..haha I figured I would wanna be around the ones I love all the time. haha i get bored sometimes ok I've been motivated to study!!! My boyfriend gave me a verbal lashing yesterday on how I waste my time caring about unimportant things and people. and I AGREE. So from today onwards till the rest of my life, it won't be ALL about me, and i will look up to mother theresa because she was all about giving and i need to be "all about giving" because being a bitch takes too much time and skill!!!!! i am having zombie cravings. shit. time to watch zombie vids on youtube. V

FOR RUTH:  Hi tit, i've been trying to upload pictures of Elijah for you but blogger's being a real bitch right now so i'll try tomorrow. CALL ME xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxo


nes said...

you make me sound so violent

tash said...

"verbal" lashing babe. haha

nes said...

lashing sounds brutal enough!

About Me

I'm the kind of girl that can't let anything this is me, wishing you into the worst situations