Monday, March 17, 2008

I'd gladly give it to somebody else because i only wanna be with you.

Came online just to look through i guess this is where I left myself.
OK. done, i was looking for another word for Happy, and came across Lively. That's good. I like lively. Lively it is!

Today i was fooled (once again) by the clock in my classroom. You see, it is spoilt, and it is now always stuck at 8.07
Well, me being me...I came late for class and checked the time 8.07 mm, not bad considering i was late for school. Just 40 minutes late. Grab accounts text, listen..chew bubble gum..check time 8.07 ok not too bad....5 minutes later check time again, 8.07 FINALLY figure out that the clock is obviously not working, i turn to look at my friends watch, 8.20. Crazy.

OK, Happy Birthday to Keith. We all went to his girlfriend's place to eat and be merry! had a fun time. Seriously need to be getting back to my english homework.......Lively was it?

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I'm the kind of girl that can't let anything this is me, wishing you into the worst situations