Thursday, March 06, 2008

to ni gh t we dri nk to you th
a nd hol di ng fas t t he tru th

myself: don't forget mum, i'm staying jackie's place tomorrow
mum: no, since when?
myself: are you kidding me!
mum: yes. can't you take a joke.
(with her face all striaght..what is a joke?)

On Sunday i'm pulling the 'mum did you know i've got a tattoo?' joke. & can't contain my exciteness! Incubs and Saosin. And a break. A short break, but still a break. If there's one thing i've learned, it's got to be appreciative. My blog is too boring, it needs a new fix..just like me. Today i realised what a 2nd best i am. In everything..stop being 2nd best, and start being 1st. ok with my motto in my left hand, and an apple in my right, im ready to take on the world. ...But before i go, i actually like to be 2nd best. 1st best is too attention seeking i feel, too much media, too much love from everyone. I have to had it up to here with love. I get enough from my muscle making boyfriend. "without love i won't survive......" which is true you know? like how you read a 'how to go on a diet book' and think that it's all crap, but actually deep down inside you, you know that it really works and secretly you actually want to give it a try? It's the fear of knowing what you'll be in the future. But it's a deeper fear of knowing what you are now. Okay, so don't let me keep rambling! Off i go, enjoy your weekend!

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I'm the kind of girl that can't let anything this is me, wishing you into the worst situations